Saturday, February 26, 2011

Winter Storm

We have been hit by a WINTER STORM and Ry and Ty loved it. We still have some snow and ice on the ground and we are suppose to get more tonight! YEAH! Ry and Dad built a snowman and she loves the snow so much. We took a nice winter walk and she loved wearing her boots and walking around in the snow. Ty stayed inside and enjoyed the snow falling.

Our New House

Building our first SNOWMAN

Winter Walk


Anonymous said...

Give those little darlings a big fat hug and kiss from their favorite Auntie!

The Lane Family said...

I love your house it looks really nice and the backyard looks GREAT for kids :)

The winter walk looks wonderful especially when you are all bundled up like Mr. Tyler was.

I also see that Jazz is surviving being the dog to two very active young kids!!